Disclaimer & privacy


This is the website of Camping Zuid Ginkel in Ede.

Photos and other images
The photos etc. on this site are the property of Camping Zuid Ginkel. The photos in the photo album are produced and owned by Camping Zuid Ginkel. ​​​​​​​

All rights reserved
Reproduction of information, logos, animations and / or photo and image materials with the aim of exploiting them or making them public is only permitted after permission from Camping Zuid Ginkel.​​​​​​​

Although the information on this website has been compiled with the greatest care and the maintenance of this website is carried out as carefully as possible, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness.

Camping Zuid Ginkel accepts no liability for any malfunctioning of this website or for inaccuracies and incompleteness of the information contained on the website.​​​​​​​

Correspondence address
If you would like to contact Camping Zuid Ginkel, please contact us via the contact form on our website. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​We treat your data confidentially. Data will be used for statistical purposes so that we are better informed about the visitors to our website.

Third parties will not be able to access your data.

We will explicitly request permission in advance for the making of image and video material to be used for our website.